Client Forms
Thank you for taking the time to review the forms prior to your appointment. The first form is meant as a guide to help you provide some pertinent information for treatment. You do not have to have this completed at your first visit. If you would like to meet me first and get an explanation of the therapy process, please wait. I understand that you may not be ready to answer some of the questions. Please just leave those questions blank and answer the ones you are comfortable answering.
The other forms are available in the office too. You may print the forms out and bring them with you, or you can arrive about 15 minutes early for your appointment and complete the forms in the waiting room.
Intake Questionnaire
Notice of Privacy Practices
Consent for Electronic Communications
Telehealth Consent
How to Prepare for Your First Telehealth Session
How to Join Telehealth Session
Telehealth Faqs for Clients
Informed consent for in-person services